Thursday, July 26, 2012

Top 10 Things One Hears As A Stay-At-Home-Father

The weird thing about this list is that I do a lot of the things a Stay at Home Mom does, but people think it's such a great accomplishment because I am male.  Older women sometimes look at me like I am a superhero.  Back in my Dad's and my Grandfather's day, having a man take care of the kids was unheard of.

I recently read an article in one of the parenting magazines about the biological effects of fatherhood.  There was a study that showed that men's testosterone levels drop after they become fathers.  Also, the more involved a man becomes in the care-giving role, the more his testosterone levels will drop.  What I got out of the article is that men adapt to their roles as fathers just as women adapt to their new roles as Mom.  The bonds that I am forming with my children are immeasurable and unique.  My children have made me a better person and a better Father from this experience.  I think I feel my testosterone levels dropping, time to go do some push-ups and find someone to arm wrestle! Enjoy the list.

  1. "You sure do have your hands full today."  This is the most common thing I hear.  I have my hands full everyday.
  2. "You're so brave."  I always think this is a strange comment.  Do people tell Mom's they are brave when they are in public with the kids and the Dad is missing? 
  3. "No, I insist you go ahead of me in line."  I wish I heard this one everyday.  Skipping people in line and flying past people in the car pool lane are two of the best perks of the job.
  4. What's the mix?  I usually hear this from minorities.  I think White people feel uncomfortable asking.  Just for the record though, I am Arican-American and my wife is Venezuelan-American.
  5. "That's cute, you're so organized."  Truth is, it's not so much organization as it is survival.  It's not a good feeling to be out on the town and not prepared for a tantrum, munchies, or potty training accidents.
  6. "Haven't I seen you here before, you're such a good dad."  I usually hear this one at Safeway and Toys R Us.  I am a either a good Dad or crazy Dad for taking two children to Toys R Us.  
  7. "You cook too!"  Yes, I do prepare a lot of the family meals.  Babies will make you learn to cook or suffer the agony of screeching hunger pains.
  8. "You're a SAHF....Oh!  I know another SAHF, you guys should hook up."  That's cool that there are other guys like me out there but I don't want to go on a blind date with another dude and his kids.
  9. "No!"  Right now this is Donovan's favorite word.  Since he says it so much, his sister has begun to say no to EVERYTHING.  It doesn't matter what the question is, the answer is always NO.
  10. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, etc.  Between both of my kids, I probably hear this word 653 times a day.  Sometimes I pretend that I am not listening to see how many times they will say it.

"The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt in the heart." 
                                                                                                  -Helen Keller

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