Monday, April 29, 2013


I have the BEST job EVER! Most Dads (or Moms for that matter) don't get the opportunity that I have had with my children.  Providing a good male example for my daughter and teaching my son how to be a man are roles that I enthusiastically embrace.  My days of being a stay at home father are quickly drawing to an end and I will miss the amount of time that I get to spend with my children.
1st Bike Rides

1st Friend From School

We have shared a plethora of "1st Time" experiences.  There are a few moments that especially stand out to me, but are normal, every day interactions.  I remember when Sofia first learned how to use the potty  There was also the time when Donovan finally took the big 6 inch leap to get off of the slide by himself.  These small milestones will continue to occur but there was one that made me especially proud to be their father.

One day before Sofia went to school, we were sitting down eating lunch and at the table next to us was one of her friends.  The little girl was crying and Sofia was worried about her.  With a few words of encouragement and her brother at her side, Sofia worked up the courage to ask the girl why she was crying.  The girl was sad because she didn't know much English and couldn't make friends as easily as some of the other children.  Sofia offered to walk to class with her and they strolled off together holding hands.  This was by far the cutest thing I have ever seen.  I had just witnessed my daughter being a compassionate 3 year old, comforting a friend in need.

1st Horsie Ride
That experience makes me feel like Katherine and I have built a strong foundation for raising our children.  Sometimes I wonder if other Dads pick up on these small milestones. It's funny to see the Dads come out to the park with their children on the weekend.  You can usually spot a few pushing strollers listening to music through their headphones, a few playing soccer or catch, and a few with a "when is my wife coming back?" look on their faces.  I'm not trying to call anyone out because I have been that Dad too.  I am trying to encourage Dads and Moms to take notice and cherish even the smallest "1st Times".

1st Slam Dunk

"It is extraordinary how extraordinary the ordinary person is."    -George F. Will

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